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India Retrospective

Looking Back at Impact

This retrospective draws from a long-term impact assessment carried out by Pyxera Global from 2015 to 2016. The assessment was designed to evaluate the impact of Global Pro Bono programs sponsored by 8 different corporations on local host institutions in 15 locations throughout India.

By examining these programs and reconnecting with host institutions, Pyxera Global sought answers to the following questions to inform the design and approaches for successful GPB assignments:

  • Feasibility of the recommended solutions delivered by CSC teams: have the recommendations been implemented? If not, what were the reasons that prevented implementation?
  • Sustainability of the recommended solutions: if recommendations have been implemented, are the solutions still in use and/or relevant to the organization? If not, what could have been done to make them more sustainable?
  • What was the impact of the assistance on the host client organization? Have the implemented recommendations produced results (in terms of revenue, employee size, geographic presence, number of customers, business practice use, access to credit and other metrics).
  • What was the impact on the host clients’ beneficiaries?